jueves, 19 de octubre de 2017

Getting ready for PANDA RAID 2018

After many months of considering to participate in PANDA RAID 2018, the decision was finally taken this summer!

Step 1: find a Panda 4x4 which is in acceptable condition

Step 2: By a car.

Step 3: Get the car prepared for the challenge

Step 4: make sure all the aspects of the care are OK to be able to start and finnsih the RAID

Step 5: get some basic knowledge on how the repair the engine and how to read a roadbook as no GPS is allowed in the desert

This is where I'm currently. The start will be in March 2018.
More to come in the next weeks and months!

4 comentarios:

  1. Toda la familia muy ilusionada con el aventurero. A por un maravilloso y apasionante Panda Raid

  2. Ya va quedando menos para la super experiencia

  3. La casa llena de accesorios para el Panda Raid. Cada vez nos es más familiar el sonido del motor del panda. Se acerca el día de la partida

  4. Nuestro aventurero casi preparado para la gran aventura😍😍😍
